
Life on Life Missional Discipleship

Life on life Missional Discipleship is more than a small group. It is a high commitment discipleship journey modeled after the pathway of Jesus. These selected groups are for (F.A.T.) men who are faithful, available, and teachable. Men sign a one year commitment to meet weekly through the school year for the goal training themselves of godliness, in the context of close accountability, and for the purpose of living on the mission of Jesus Christ. The strategy comes from the ministry of Perimeter Church in Atlanta, GA. Click here to learn more.


Small Groups, Bible Studies, & More

As a church, we strongly believe that the congregation is as strong as its small groups. These groups typically meet at homes or in the church building. Each is led by someone familiar with group development, and most groups are attended by a church Elder.

Current groups/studies are as follows:
•Second and fourth Thursday at 7am - Breakfast Book Club (Eat n Park, Irwin)
•First and third Thursday of the month at 7pm - Men's Bible Study
•Thursday, weekly at 6pm - More Than the Body Men's Fitness

The different Small Groups are listed at the church with the leaders’ phone numbers, or you may contact the church office by phone (724-744-4760) or email for further information.


It's like playing darts and baseball at the same time! Every week, starting in the fall and throughout the winter season, retired men leave their man-caves to compete for the right to have their names engraved on the coveted dartball trophy. It is a great time of fellowship. Every Wednesday (9:30-12:00) the teams play. There is always a time of prayer and a brief message from the pastor and a good lunch at the end.