
New Life seeks to be the heart and hands of Christ in our community. As our name implies, we are living testimonies that Jesus changes people, "just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life" (Rom 6:4).

Sunday Morning Service - 9:45am


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New Thursday Night Class

The First Words of Theology is a midweek theological class offered weekly on Thursday evenings from 6:00-7:30pm. First Words deals with the first things that must be considered before entering into theological contemplation. Typically this kind of topic has been called prolegomena, or put simply, an introduction to theology. It is a rather atypical class because it does not deal with theology of God, the church, or the sacraments; rather, this class concerns the first things that need to be considered before one considers God himself. We will look at concepts such as religion, revelation, the nature of Scripture, and the canon of Scripture. In addition to this we will consider epistemological preconditions for a true knowledge of God, the problem of evil, and the nature of natural theology, among other things.

The class is held at New Life Presbyterian Church weekly on Thursday evenings starting October 10. Registration is not required, however, please sign up if you are planning to attend so that we can get an idea of how many individuals are coming. Thank you!

Theology Class The First Words (3)

Sermon Series

Exodus -- Who is Yahweh?

In this painting by Darius Gilmont, the Burning Bush is shown within a garden, with Moses standing on a boulder outside the garden, while being addressed by God. He is dwarfed by the scale of everything around him. To the right is a large bastion-like, stepped structure symbolizing the Egyptian establishment. Moses had to step outside of this in order to meet God. Additionally, notice the barrier between the bush and Moses, conveying Gods holy presence that we are unworthy of apart from grace. In the background on another mountain, two people are sitting around a campfire, maybe drinking tea. This is to suggest that the miracle of the burning bush happened in the midst of ordinary life.

“Do not come closer. Take your shoes from your feet, because the place upon which you stand is holy soil.” —Exodus 3:5

Exodus Sermon Series (5)