Children's Praise Video of the Week

Past videos:

To view all children's videos, visit the New Life Church YouTube channel here.

Sunday Ministries

  • Nursery

    God has welcomed all of us into His forever family, and we are pleased welcome the smallest members of you family! While we encourage Moms and Dads to share the worship of God with their children, childcare is available in our nursery for infants through age three during Sunday worship services and classes.

  • Children's Praise

    During our worship on Sunday’s, children ages 4 through 3rd grade have the option to be dismissed to go to an age-appropriate worship time, while the Pastor shares his message with adults. During this time, children will share prayer requests, sing some worship songs, and learn a lesson from the scriptures. When the Pastor’s message is over, the kids return to the sanctuary for the remainder of the service.

  • Sunday School

    Sunday School classes specifically geared for multiple age groups of children take place on Sundays at 11:25am. There are classes from age 3 through grade 12.

Seasonal Ministries

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    Upward Sports

    Every year we offer an Upward Indoor Basketball Camp.  The camp begins in the Spring and usually runs for 5-6 weeks. It is geared for children in Kindergarten through 6th Grade. Each night the kids work on skills, scrimmages, eat a snack, have devotions with their coaches, and hear 'God’s Game Plan' for their lives.

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    Vacation Bible School (VBS)

    Each summer we have a Vacation Bible School for children. New Life transforms into various themes as the kids discover the greatness of Jesus. Our 2022 "Time Lab" VBS was a huge success, and the kids who attended had an absolute blast! We are looking forward to next summer's VBS adventure!.

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    Club 22:6

    The mission of the children's midweek program is to serve God by providing the most effective and educationally sound programs to help children follow Christ in every aspect of life. This program typically runs during the fall/winter every year.